
Background/Objectives: The relevance of the research is due to the increased interest of theorists to the study of functional semantic features of publicistic texts, which by virtue of their purpose prove a strong impact on various activities in modern society, the formation of public opinion, the system of cultural values. Method: In modern conditions the spectrum of problematic issues of modern mass media space necessary for the study has significantly increased.The work highlights the clear differentiation of such already well-established in the traditional science concepts as journalistic style, publicistic text and media text (textual analysis method). The impact of the modern publicistic text on the readership has been experimentally determined, which required involvement of the focus group research method, giving objective information about the features of media consumption. Findings: The article presents the results of the study, the aim of which was the determination of the effects of publicistic text on the minds of the audience, in particular its manipulation capabilities. The concepts of journalistic style, publicistic text, media text have been distinguished. During the focus group study in which college students participated, it has been revealed that the audience of modern mass media is subject to manipulation by the media. In these circumstances, this study becomes relevant, since it is evident that through the media the trust of the audience to virtually any message can be invoked by means of manipulative techniques. Improvements: Modern theory described many ways to protect against manipulation of information compilers which, inter alia, are the media. The work has distinguished the most effective and acceptable methods of protection from manipulation for unprepared audience.

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