
Ukraine’s accession to the European political, economic, informational and legal space encourages the state, executive bodies, local self-government bodies and other subjects of public administration in relations with citizens to adhere to the priority of human and civil rights and freedoms. In modern conditions, an important role in the relations of citizens and legal entities with the subjects of public administration is played by public service activities of executive bodies and local governments, as well as subjects of delegated powers, which in accordance with current regulations provide various services.
 Legislation and bylaws are analyzed. In particular, a study of the Laws of Ukraine: «On Consumer Protection», «On Public Procurement», «On the use of registrars of settlement transactions in trade, catering and services», «On free legal aid», «On administrative services», «On social services», «On the provision of public (electronic public) services for the declaration and registration of residence in Ukraine», as well as the Tax Code of Ukraine.
 The international legal acts that had a significant impact on the formation of domestic legislation and the activities of public administration in the field of providing various types of services are analyzed. The study of legislative acts and bylaws gave grounds to establish that depending on the specifics of the regulation of public relations in the analyzed regulations use different definitions of «services», as well as terminological and cognitive aspects, organizational principles of business entities , in particular, relating to the provision of services, requirements and procedures for the provision of services, determining the rights and obligations of the subject of provision and the customer of the service.
 Attention is drawn to the fact that in case of poor-quality administrative services, citizens of Ukraine and foreigners protect the violated rights in the administrative court.
 The need to develop a normative act, which should be a framework for public administration, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of all parties to the relationship in the provision and receipt of various services.

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