
The theoretical framework of public procurement through the definition of the concept of «ublic procurement»is analyzed, the role of analysis in the public finance management system, the principles of analysis of public procurement and its functions are studied. The article offers to interpret the public procurement as a component of public financial management system that constitutes a standardized mechanism of financial and economic relations between the government and business entities on the implementation of the state order for the goods, services, works on the principles of fair competition among participants, maximum economy and efficiency, the targeted use of budget funds, openness and transparency at all stages of procurement, equality of participants, objective and impartial evaluation of tender proposals, prevention of corruption actions and abuses to achieve the goals of state social and economic policies to meet public needs. The system of analysis principles of public procurement is reasonably presented: accuracy; completeness; adequacy of information; consistency; relevance; usability; specificity; complexity; consistency; regularity; objectivity; efficiency; economic feasibility; comparativeness; scientificity. The functions of the analysis of public procurement are the following: informative, control, evaluative and diagnostic, search, prognostic, protective, scientific and cognitive. The basic tools will make it possible to build a scientifically based mechanism for the analysis of public procurement.

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