The purpose of the study. The main purpose of this article is to assess the current state of public-private partnership (PPP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, analyze and combine what we know about the PPP project management system in Kazakhstan. The need was identified to assess the current state of the public-private partnership project management system, to identify the main gaps and barriers to the implementation of PPP projects in Kazakhstan and to propose measures for their regulation and improvement.Methodology. In the preparation of the article, a descriptive methodology was used, as well as a heuristic method of analysis. In the course of the study, data presented on public resources, including government portals, were analyzed. The study examined legal acts and regulations related to laws on PPP projects, on PPP, the public sector, the private sector, concessions, corporate legislation.Research methods. Within the framework of the conducted research, the following methods were used:- theoretical, including the analysis of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of public-private partnership;- logical methods of generalization, comparison and comparison, deduction and induction, method of formalization, logical interpretation, method of logical justification and some others;- analysis of legislative and regulatory documents;- analysis of the database of public-private partnership projects of the Kazakhstan PPP center;- a method of graphical representation of the obtained results of analysis and evaluation.Originality / value of the research: Kazakhstan's information policy, which is permanently in the process of transformation, needs to be rebooted today. An upgrade of the public-private partnership project management system is needed. The main attention in the study was focused on determining and assessing the current state, as well as the dynamics of development of public-private partnership projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The authors identified and structured the main gaps in the development of the PPP project management system, and also proposed measures to improve them.Findings. PPP in Kazakhstan requires comprehensive consideration in order to improve legislative aspects and approach the forms of PPP common in Western countries, it is necessary to build new modern PPP approaches, transform the mechanism into an accessible and transparent source of project implementation for business and the public, make a strict distinction between public procurement, since today the tool has become a bypass of the public procurement procedure. It is necessary to remove all business risks from the state. It is necessary to avoid unreasonably provided extra benefits and over-marginality. All this will radically change and improve the current state of the PPP project management system in the Republic of Kazakhstan and will make it more attractive for implementation. The state plays a leading role in this process, and state regulation of the PPP project management system should serve as a driver for changes dictated by time and the need to transform this system.
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