
Institute of public-private partnership in the Russian Fede-ration is currently in its infancy and improvement by adapting international experience of cooperation between business and the state to domestic political-economic model, with its view of legal and regulatory features. The significance of this subject due to the international experience of the past decade suggests that a well-formed structure with the use of public-private partnerships to solve problems in the field of infrastructure and provision of public services, which is important for Russia because of the vast territory and low population density. Objective: To develop practical recommendations on the use of trans-promising forms of public-private partnerships in the innovation economy of Russia. Methodology: The development problems using various methodological approaches, including dialectical approach to the study of various phenomena and laws of development of socio-economic relations in the conditions of market economy; a set of techniques and methods of scientific knowledge of socio-economic phenomena and processes, among them – grouping method, comparison and synthesis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the system analysis. Conclusion: The article shows the main directions of development of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation. Practical recommendations on the use of advanced forms of public-private partnerships in innovation economy

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