
Object: Public-private format for the formation of the center of connectivity of the Russia’s Far East. Methods: Subject-object analysis of spatial interaction meta-regional control. The object of the research is the integrity of the system, providing the refusal of “atomism”, abstracting from any part of a coherent system. The subject of the research is event or action, place in the system of interrelations of the format patterns in the economic system. Findings: Public-private format for the formation of the center of connectivity of the Russia’s Far East justifies the goal of the public, in general, and economic, in particular, development of situational centers working according to the uniform regulations. Conclusions: The dominance of invariant of linear interaction paradigms of subject and society in the territory of growth and development corporation initiates socio-economic contradictions that need resolution. The concept of cognitive center of formal simulate software of nonlinear processes justifies the public-private partnership for the formation of the Russia’s Far East connectivity center.

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