
This paper analyzes the processes of transformation of economic institutions in the Constituent Assembly in Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia from the perspective of research on alternatives to the development of social economy raised by theorists in Latin America. Letters on the new economic system and social solidarity that recognizes the human being as subject and purpose, appear as subjects of nature and collective property right is recognized by private property. It seeks to analyze whether these processes are as a result of popular pressure driven by social movements seeking “reencastramiento” one of the economy in society or whether the actions are part of the state and capital to produce a social order, taking into account tensions in the town where he is at the limit of bearable and start recaim their rights. It is a struggle for ways to institutionalize the social definition of who dare to go beyond the matrices introduced by modernity (in its variations Colonialism, capitalism, neoliberalism) and seeking ways to overcome them to build new paradigms of society.

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