
The Great Lakes are a resource shared by a number of jurisdictions. Their clean-up is being undertaken by an equal number.Under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the Governments of Canada and the United States have agreed to work with the public to develop cleanup or remedial action plans (RAPs) for 42 areas of concern around the Great Lakes. Under the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting Great Lakes Water Quality, Canada and Ontario have agreed to jointly prepared RAPs for the seventeen areas of concern in Ontario. Because the upper connecting channels of the Detroit, St. Clair and St. Marys Rivers are shared, Ontario has signed an agreement with Michigan to jointly prepare RAPs for these three rivers. Public consultation in these three RAPs is done primarily through bi-national public advisory councils that have multi-sectoral representation from both sides of the river. As well, a communications strategy allows for the general public to learn about and comment on the plans.These three RAPs provide an interesting case study. While not being prepared under the requirements of any environmental assessment legislation, RAPs are comprehensive environmental assessment processes utilizing an ecosystem approach. They are a cooperative venture of a number of jurisdictions, each with a different corporate perspective. Two cultures are working towards a common goal. The planning process represents a model for developing sustainable development strategies. And, there are a lot of contradictions and tensions in the program.This paper will explore how the myriad of jurisdictions have come "together" to write these RAPs. It will present how the jurisdictional and cultural differences between these groups are so sharp that only one factor, the public’s involvement, has been able to force a measure of cooperation that has resulted in a model program.

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