
In this edition of Healthcare Papers, Miller et al. make the case for greater engagement of the public health sector in healthcare system reform. Although I agree with many of the points made, I challenge the premise that public health is unwilling and/or unprepared to lead or participate in system change. Ontario's public health sector is not only ready to participate in transformation of the healthcare system, provincial and local involvement is well under way. Public health has been actively engaging colleagues in both the healthcare and non-health sectors to discuss health system evolution and transformation. Make No Little Plans - Ontario's Public Health Sector Strategic Plan sets out the vision, strategic goals and collective areas of focus for the next three to five years, and includes an immediate emphasis on establishing collaborative mechanisms within the sector and with others in the health sector and non-health sectors. As an initial step, public health is identifying and analyzing key intersection points between public health and primary care to enable better alignment and integration. In Ontario, public health is not only participating in health reform, we are in a position to help drive it.

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