
The globalisation processes are expanding, making all the subjects of the global functioning system interdependent on each other. One of the pros of globalisation is the possibility to exchange goods and services between the subjects either on the global or regional levels. Such an exchange of goods and services is considered international trade. International trade is carried out in the forms of exports and imports. International trade influences any region’s economic functioning, including dynamics and volatility of economic growth as well as labour market performance. Public administration includes state governance (executed by the state authorities), regional and local governance (executed by the regional and local bodies of state power) and public governance (carried out by the non-state entities, NGOs, etc). The subject of international trade public administration to be paid attention at in this research is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, which is a non-governmental non-profit self-governing organization that unites legal entities and citizens of Ukraine registered as entrepreneurs, as well as their associations, on a voluntary basis. The regional structure of chambers of commerce includes the central Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and 25 regional Chambers. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine a member of the International Chamber of Commerce and the World Federation of Chambers as well as the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The public administration of international trade effectiveness has been evaluated through its indirect impact on the regional performance in general. The amounts of Gross Regional Product for the regions of Ukraine and their shares of the Gross Regional Product have been visualised, analysed and compared. The subjects to use the research itself and its results have been defined and the prospects as well as the further research development limitations have been stated.

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