
We investigate the influence of chirality on the PT-symmetric and PT-broken phase of PT-symmetric chiral systems. Starting from the point that transverse magnetic (TM) and transverse electric (TE) waves have different exceptional points, we show that with circularly polarized waves (which are linear combinations of TM and TE waves) mixed PT-symmetric phases can be realized and the extent of these phases can be highly controlled by either or both the chirality and the angle of incidence. Additionally, while the transmission of both TM and TE waves in non-chiral PT-symmetric systems is the same for forward and backward propagation, we show that with chirality this symmetry can be broken. As a result, it is possible to realize asymmetric, i.e. side-dependent, rotation and ellipticity in the polarization state of the transmitted wave. Our results constitute a simple example of a chiral PT-symmetric optical system in which the various phases (full PT, mixed, broken) and the asymmetric effects can be easily tuned by adjusting the chirality parameter and/or the angle of incidence.

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