
A CURRENT trend in medicine is toward a more integrated consideration of pathogenesis. This trend is based on a holistic concept of which defines personality as an organism-environment system in which the total organism functions as a whole within its complex environment. The holistic concept of personality has been elaborated by Goldstein, 1 Angyal, 2 and Murphy. 3 Recently, Alexander and French, 4 in referring to the processes of adaptation, state: This adaption is the function of the central nervous system. In man we call this function personality, which is but the sum of these integrated reactions of the total organism to its environment. Angyal 2 defines the organism-environment system as follows:... It is, in principle, impossible to draw any line of separation in space between organism and environment.... There is no biological process which is determined entirely organismically or entirely environmentally; it is always a resultant of both

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