
The article titled “Psychology of the Concept of Chitta (Mind Stuff) in Yoga” initially attempts to interpret and describe key terms relevant to it. Here the concept of Psychology means Modern Psychology, the concept Chittaas Mind, Consciousness, Antahakaran (mind, intellect and ego) and product of trigunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), etc. is taken as it mentioned Indian Yogic literature and philosophies as well as Modern Psychology so that the concept of Chitta in the Yoga could also be understood in terms of modern psychology. Hence, to interpret and describe the concept of Chitta as aforesaid, modern psychological perspectives viz., biological psychology, behavioural psychology, psychoanalytical psychology, humanistic and cognitive psychological are taken into account. From discussion, it was concluded that psychologically, Chitta means dynamic organization of mental process that remain static from birth till death yet determines one’s unique personality

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