
The goal of this publication is to present the re-sults of analizing the psychological characteristics of deci-siveness as a stable integral personality property. The ur-gency of developing the problem is caused by sociocultural transformations in society, which require the ability of the individual to make a choice in extremely difficult condi-tions of social instability. The scientific interest in the de-velopment of the issue lies in the search for psychological resources, factors of decisiveness and the study of its indi-vidual typological characteristics in persons with domi-nance of independence. Achieving the goal was ensured by solving the following research tasks: studying the relation-ship between indicators of decisiveness, independence and volitional properties of the individual; identification of per-sons with the dominance of the decisiveness characteristics;the study of stable formations of volitional properties in individuals who differ in the characteristics of decisiveness.The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the issue of the subjective factor of choice, anal-ysis of the relationship of personality traits in a decision-making situation. The existing ideas about decision-making, independence and individual’s volitional properties in the robots of domestic and foreign scientists are de-scribed. A representative sample of 79 people surveyed was formed, including groups of high (21 people) and low lev-els of independence (18 people), male and female aged 21 to 47. A diagnostic set of methods was designed to solve research problems: “Multi-dimension scales of decisive-ness” (MSD), the questionnaire “Personal factors of deci-sion-making” (PFD-25), the “Melbourne questionnaire of decision making” (DMQ), the “Questionnaire of decision making” (QDM), as well as the questionnaire “Volitional properties of personality” (VPP) to study the characteristics of decision-making and their relationships.The results of the correlation analysis of the inter-relations between the indicators of decisiveness, the proper-ties of decision-making with the independence and volition-al properties of the individual are presented. The author revealed the presence of positive significant relationships between independence and indicators of decision-making, as well as between volitional properties and indicators of personality decisiveness. The profiles of volitional proper-ties in individuals that differ in decisiveness are considered; the psychological features of making a choice and decision-making in independent individuals were studied.

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