
The article is sanctified to the analysis of problem of psychological readiness of modern teacher to professional activity in the conditions of New Ukrainian school. An author is analyse psychological and pedagogical functions and personality internals of teacher of New Ukrainian school in detail, the system of criteria of psychological readiness to creative professionally and pedagogical activity, in the complement of that enter, is certain: spiritually-social orientation of personality, pedagogical necessity, motivational-creative activity, interest in organization of group work, pedagogical-educator competence, pedagogical-cognitive capabilities, creativity, initiative, moral attitudes toward students, the culture of pedagogical commonunication, psychological competence, harmoniousness social mutual relations, harmoniousness behavior, pedagogical self-possession, capacity for direction educationalprocess.
 The authorial structure of psychological readiness of teacher NUS, that is presented in the article, has a personality and professional measuring. Each of measuring are contain a corresponding components. Each of components has the semantic filling (totality of separate personality internalss) is certain and can have will cut the degree of formed. As valuable innovative payment authorial methodology of research of level of psychological readiness of modern teacher comes forward to creative professional activity in the conditions of New Ukrainian school. The presented methodology allows to determine the level of psychological readiness of teacher to creative professional activity, and also to investigate the level of formed of separate pedagogical functions of teacher NUS. The author presents the results of an empirical study of the state of psychological readiness of modern NUS teachers for creative professional work.

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