
The article presents some conceptions of the authors regarding the value orientations and the psychosocial adaptation of the personality. The paper includes The psychological profile of adolescents with high levels of psychosocial adaptability developed based on a research model of value orientations and adaptation / psychosocial adaptability of adolescents. At the same time, there are presented the levels of manifestation of the studied factors in the experimental research findings, as well as the indices of the correlation coefficient regarding identification of relationship between psychosocial adaptability and other psychic phenomena: value orientations (terminal values and instrumental values), extraversion/introversion, neuroticism, initiation of social contacts, social courage, self-confidence, appreciation of emotions, emotional control, emotional use, emotional intelligence, adaptability/flexibility, place of control, self-affirmation, motivation for success, optimism, sociability, will, self-esteem, the meaning of life purpose, the meaning of life process, the meaning of life result, the meaning of life for the place of control I, the meaning of life for the place of control Life, general orientations of life meaning, psychological adaptability, emotional adaptability, independence.

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