
The article highlights the problem of psychological preparation of future physical education teachers for the organization of team interaction of young athletes (using the example of football and hockey). The impact of sports activities on a person, the formation of an individual style of sports activities is revealed. The main criteria for the effectiveness of competitive activity in sports games and mental properties are disclosed: intellectual, which ensure reception and processing of information, decision-making; which determine the quality of the subjectʼs motor actions and operations; communicative, created for interaction with other people; emotional, affecting energy and expressive characteristics of activity; strong-willed, ensuring overcoming obstacles; moral, which determine the motivation of the activity and compliance of the goal, means, results, with certain moral standards. The psychological features of sports activities in football are revealed. The need to take into account the main components of tactical and technical, special and general physical training of young football players for competitions, their age, gender, individual and typological features of the psyche and higher nervousactivity has been proved. The psychological features of sports activity in hockey are considered. It has been established that they are determined by the features of hockey playersʼ playing activities and are regulated by certain rules of the game. The specifics of sports activity in hockey are revealed (significant and intense, impulsive motor activity in a rather limited space and not on a natural support (ice, skates); tough power struggle with opponents, many game variations, as well as team actions. The requirements for the mental characteristics of young people are highlighted hockey athletes and psychological preparation of future physical education teachers for this process. It has been proved that football and hockey is a collective game, the functioning of a small group. Varieties of a small group, stages of its formation are revealed: conglomerate group, nominal group, cooperative group, autonomygroup, collective.
 Keywords: psychological training; future teachers; physical culture; organization; team; interaction; young athletes; football; hockey.

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