
The article presents the results of the monitoring study on the issue of practical training of future teachers in higher pedagogical education institutions in Ukraine. The study is conducted by scientists of the Department of Content and Technologies of Pedagogical Education of the Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in 2020-2022 within the framework of the research work "Substantiation of the content and methods of practice in higher pedagogical education institutions" (РK 0120U100228). The peculiarities of legislative regulation of practical training of future teachers in Ukraine are revealed. It is presented in the main provisions of the Concept for the Development of Pedagogical Education in Ukraine, Professional Standards of Teacher, Professor, Higher Education Standards, National Qualifications Framework, etc. The article describes the specifics of the organization of practice in higher pedagogical education institutions in correlation with psychological and pedagogical training at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral educational levels. It indicates the quantitative and qualitative changes in the practical training of specialists in the pedagogical specialty based on the analysis of educational and professional, educational and scientific programs for 2016-2022; outlines the negative aspects of its organization in modern conditions. Modern challenges in conducting various types of practice in higher pedagogical education institutions are identified. They are the following: the need to update the regulations on the organization of practice in teacher training, lack of adequate funding, discreteness of pedagogical partnership, insufficient resources for conducting practices in the context of mixed and distance learning, etc. Recommendations for improving the organizational principles of practice in the training of future teachers at the legislative, regulatory, managerial, and organizational levels are summarized.

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