
The professional training of teachers in the conditions of independent Ukraine is analyzed. Graduates of higher pedagogical educational institutions form national consciousness and self-consciousness, social and civic competence, ensure their readiness to master professions, cultivate spirituality and patriotism of student youth. Therefore, the teacher must be a moral person, competent in the issues of socially and personally significant implementation of professional activities, capable of professional self-development. The current state of teacher training is characterized in the following sequence: legal and regulatory framework; a network of higher education institutions that train teachers; mechanisms for selecting applicants for the teaching profession; model and levels of teacher training; the content of theoretical and practical training of future teachers. It has been established that pedagogical education does not have time to adequately respond to changes that take place in the country and worldwide, so the emphasis is on the need for changes in the target, content, and technological aspects of teacher training. It is stated that there is a set of system problems that require an urgent solution in the pre-professional, professional, postgraduate, non-formal, and informal components of pedagogical education. In this context, it is advisable to take into account the European experience, which will contribute to the quality training of competitive teachers in Ukraine, in particular creating a common space to ensure the quality of higher pedagogical education, promoting academic integrity, ensuring academic mobility of future teachers. Implementation of the policy of autonomy of higher pedagogical education institutions, ensuring financial capacity, ensuring the quality of teacher training, creating resource content for informal training of future teachers, etc. we consider as the challenges in the process of reform changes in pedagogical education.

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