
  This article is dedicated to examination of psychological conditions of the formation of adaptation potential of an individual in the learning process. It is established that the personal adaptation potential is the interconnected psychological characteristics of a person that determine success of adaptation to the external environment. Leaning on the analysis of literature sources, the author built a research model that reveals the following factors affecting formation of adaptation potential: psychic stability, adequate self-esteem, communication skills, behavioral regulation, coping behavior and group interaction skills. For assessing the adaptive capabilities and individual psychological characteristics of the students, the author applied the following methods: empirical (multi-level personal questionnaire “Adaptability” by A. G. Maklakov, S. V. Chermyanin; methodology “Socio-psychological comfort of the environment” by A. G. Maklakov; coping-test of R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, translated by T. L. Kryukova, E. V. Kuftyak and M. S. Zamyshlyaeva; Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire; mathematical-statistical (correlation analysis) Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient; nonparametric comparison method of the two related samples (Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The scientific novelty of the presented materials consists in the development of scientific representation of psychological conditions of the formation of adaptation potential of an individual in the learning process, as well as in identification of the causes of maladaptation (emotional instability, low self-control, propensity for authoritarian behavior, low conformity and normativity of behavior). The acquired experimental data on the level of development of adaptation potential of the students allow predicting the success of their learning process. The provided materials can be used by psychologists and pedagogues in organization of work aimed at prevention of maladaptative conditions among adolescents.  

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