
The article presents theoretical aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for the individual-creative professional formation of future engineers in the industry of food.According to the purpose, the following tasks of the study are defined: to investigate the features of psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process; to disclose the content of psychological and pedagogical support of future food industry engineers-teachers; to identify the expected results of the individual-creative professional formation of future food industry engineering teachers.To achieve the goal and solve the defined tasks a set of interrelated theoretical research methods was used. They are the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and scientific research on the problem of psychological and pedagogical support (to identify the features of psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process), generalization and systematization (to predict the expected results of the individual-creative professional formation of future food industry engineering teachers).It is determined that psychological and pedagogical support contributes to the activation of higher education applicants and the formation of their desire for professional growth, taking into account the acquired knowledge about themselves, their abilities and prospects of their development. The organization of psychological and pedagogical support accelerates the processes of disclosure and realization of the personal potential of future food industry engineering teachers in the professional formation process at the stage of study at the institution of higher education.
 Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support; individual-creative professional formation; engineering teacher; food industry; individual training program; personal experience; potential opportunities; readiness for creative professional activity.

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