
The article defines the essence of professional health of educators as a harmonious set of components, namely: intellectual (state of cognitive sphere, which actualizes motives, knowledge, health-preservation skills), physical (state of organs and systems of the body, which is based on morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive responses); mental (state of mental and emotional spheres, the basis of which is the general mental comfort, which provides an adequate behavioral response); spiritual (set of characteristics of the spiritual world of an individual, the need to master the system of universal spiritual values; motivational and value attitude to the spiritual heritage), social (essence of relations with society, based on values and motives of individual behavior, economic, political, social, spiritual spheres of life) health. It is noted that the change in the regime of educational activities during the quarantine affects the professional health of educators.
 The article outlines the violation of the psychological and physical condition of the subjects of the educational process as a result of professional activities during quarantine. On the basis of the developed questionnaire, the peculiarities of emotional reaction and behavior of teachers and students during the quarantine are found out. Survey and self-assessment methods were used for assessment. The most common states of emotional response to the situation of coronavirus spread were identified and the causes of anxiety in respondents were clarified. The degree of activity of educators and students in the area of disease prevention and strengthening their own health has been determined. Peculiarities of educational and professional activity of subjects of educational activity during quarantine are determined. The degree of adaptation of students and teachers to the peculiarities of work in the conditions of distance / blended learning is clarified. Inquiries of teachers and students concerning information and preventive work in the conditions of quarantine are revealed. The vectors of preventive and corrective actions for the preservation of physical and psychological health are outlined.

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