
Introduction. The paper focuses on the study on satisfaction of fi rst-year students of the Pedagogical University with the educational and professional activities. The study aims to examine the satisfaction of first-year students with the educational and professional activities carried out by the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University (VSSPU). Materials and methods. The method of analytical benchmarking was applied to identify a lack of studies on the satisfaction of first-year students of the Pedagogical University with the educational and professional activities during the pandemic. The questionnaire “Satisfaction with educational activities” by L. V. Mishchenko was employed. The results of the study. The paper presents the results of empirical research. The findings indicate the average values of first-year students’ satisfaction on the following scales “satisfaction with the teaching and learning process”, “satisfaction with the educational process”, “satisfaction with the chosen profession”, “satisfaction with relationships with classmates”, “satisfaction with interaction with teachers”, “satisfaction with life, leisure, budget, health” and the scale “Overall satisfaction”. Conclusion. The study demonstrates that the educational and professional activity of first-year students of the Faculty of Social and Correctional Pedagogy of VSSPU during the pandemic is characterized by a positive emotional and evaluative attitude. In the context of a mixed format of education during the pandemic, the VSSPU was able to ensure the high quality of the teaching and learning process and the psychological well-being of its participants. Keywords: educational and professional activity, students, University

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