
The article considers general psychological and methodical patterns of mathematics teachers’ professional reflection in the system of methodical work. It proves the hypothesis that one can model and implement specific psychological and pedagogical conditions, thus promoting the development of professional reflection. Besides, the article shows that the specified pedagogical conditions for the successful development of professional reflection of teachers of mathematical disciplines in the system of methodical work are: ensuring awareness of the teacher of mathematical disciplines of the content, structure and means of development of professional reflection; formation of an objective self-assessment of the personality and own professional activity of teachers of mathematical disciplines; introduction of individual and group means of development of professional reflection in the system of methodical work of pedagogical college; creation of a reflective environment in the system of methodical work of a pedagogical institution. Psychological and pedagogical means for the development of professional reflection of teachers of mathematical disciplines in the system of methodological work of a pedagogical college are: means of individual reflection (repetition technique, counselling, individual reflection games, solving reflective problems, keeping a reflection diary); collective means of developing professional reflection of the teacher (reflective debates, reflex interviews, reflective classes, consultation, tutorial, group reflection games, development of programs for monitoring their (or colleagues) actions in professionally significant situations with subsequent analysis of the received materials, training on the development of professional pedagogical reflection); introduction of a special training course "Development of professional reflection of teachers of mathematical disciplines in the system of methodical work of the pedagogical college".


  • It is recognized that pedagogy is a pervasive psychological and neuropsychological interdisciplinary field in the narrow sense

  • The authors of the article believe that professional reflection of teachers is based on professional self-esteem of a teacher, that is judgments about their own importance in relation to generally accepted norms, criteria and goals, ideas about the levels of their own achievements, moral principles, rules of conduct

  • Teachers learn to analyze pedagogical situations in which they find themselves, draw conclusions and plan further professional activities in order to improve. These psychological and pedagogical tools for the development of professional reflection are aimed at developing teachers' ability to assess personal and professional qualities, analyze their actions and effectiveness of their own activities, comprehend professional tasks, integrate their practical experience and theoretical knowledge as criteria for assessing the pedagogical situation

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It is recognized that pedagogy is a pervasive psychological and neuropsychological interdisciplinary field in the narrow sense (as opposed to education studies).

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