
Fertility decline in Russia makes us look for ways to change this negative trend. The authors analyze the psychological causes affecting reproductive attitudes of young people. The sample of the study was made of students of pedagogical University, as they will form family values and reproductive attitudes in the younger generation. The study obtained data indicating the impact of integration and balance of the system of value orientations on the readiness of young people to family life. As disintegration of values increases, the desire and willingness of young people to build family relationships and to educate children decrease. The authors note a higher level of readiness for family life and family values in men, while for girls the intrapersonal conflict between work and family is resolved in favor of a career to the detriment of the family and children. The system of youth values is dominated by consumer orientation, entertainment orientation of life values and interests, which leads to a weakening of reproductive attitudes and behavior. The authors believe that the work aimed at the integration of values among young people will increase the value of family and procreation.

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