
On the basis of modern approaches, the article substantiates the problems of learning the vocabulary of German social discourse in classes at higher education institutions. The definition of discourse has been clarified according to various theories and approaches. The main aspects of studying the vocabulary of social discourse are highlighted. Based on the systematization and generalization of the theoretical assets of domestic and foreign researchers, as well as through comparative analysis, the main methods of learning social vocabulary were established: 1) use of factual material with a sufficient number of texts on social topics; 2) study of stable phrases and clichés; 3) the possibility of forming language competence with a set of exercises; 4) creation of conditions for independent work of students; 5) use of dictionaries and reference books. The method of working with the book Handbuch Knigge by Birgit Althaus, which is devoted to the rules of behavior and etiquette in various situations of everyday communication, is described. Based on the text, the choice of vocabulary of social discourse for students is substantiated (compound words, established clichés, non-equivalent vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, etc.). It was determined that vocabulary of social discourse has recently become one of the most studied spheres in modern linguistics. A comprehensive approach to the problem of learning social vocabulary stimulates the formation of language competence, which in turn leads to the formation of a holistic view of the culture and language of the German people. According to this, the research of social vocabulary for students with the aim of its further use in some day-to-day situations is promising.
 Keywords: social discourse; compound noun; stable expression; correct use; background knowledge; language competence; speech situation; mentality.

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