
This article is a review of two anthologies published in 2021: Polskie zmory. Psychoanaliza w międzywojniu (Polish Phantoms. Psychoanalysis in the Interwar period, edited by Bartłomiej Dobroczyński), and Imago psychoanalizy (Imago of Psychoanalysis, edited by Agnieszka Sobolewska). The paper aims for a critical assessment of both volumes concerning the pre-war psychoanalytic milieu in Poland (Dobroczyński) and the Vienna-Budapest center of psychoanalytic thought (Sobolewska). In the evaluation of Dobroczynski’s and Sobolewska’s anthologies, special emphasis is put on the concept and composition of each volume. Introductions for each anthology are also examined and treated as separate contributions to the socio-cultural history of psychoanalysis.

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