
Psychosomatic health of adolescent girls at crossroads of childhood and mature adulthood, may lead to various health problems in future. To measure the prevalence and identify factors associated with psychiatric morbidity & psychosomatic symptoms among adolescent secondary school girls in Khartoum North locality 2012. This ‘Study’ was conducted in November 2012, in three secondary schools of Khartoum North. The Simple Random Sampling Technique was applied to select three schools from the spot map of Khartoum North for this study, and 491 girl students in the adolescent age group were selected from the completed updated list of students from the enrollment registers in these schools. According to the cut-off point (≥ 24 in the G. H. Q -28) findings showed that the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity (severe depression and anxiety) was 60.89% among the adolescent secondary school girls while the psychosomatic disorder was 34.62%. The psychosomatic disorder was found to be significant (P 0.05) relation between the fathers' level of education and the occurrence of psychosomatic however, the odds ratio of disease is 28% higher among the girls whose fathers were illiterate in comparison to the girls whose fathers were of high level of education. As for the somatic symptom findings shows the prevalence of headache is 71.8%, feeling dizzy 52.4%, stomachache 45.9%, back pain 27.1%). This study revealed that psychiatric morbidity and psychosomatic disorder are high among adolescent school girls. Keywords: GHQ-28, Cut Off Point 24, Psychosomatic Health, Sub -Scales Of GHQ. Abbreviation:- ADH Adolescent Health, WHO World health organization, SHHS Sudan House Hold Survey, DM Diabetes Mallets, HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus, CDC u.s. Department Of Health And Human Services Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, PSS Psychosomatic Symptoms, PS Psychiatric.

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