
This research aimed to better understand the lived experience of people who have participated in psychedelic experiences, and inquire into how they have integrated these experiences. This study used the qualitative transpersonal research method of intuitive inquiry. In this unique methodology, the researcher is able to draw on both intellect and intuition while moving through a five-cycle hermeneutical process. The main research focus of interest was the practices that nine participants interviewed developed or are still developing during their integration phase, and the support system of individuals who accompanied their journey. The goal of integration is to merge the psychedelic experience with a person’s daily life in a way that helps them live a fuller life with less distress, and to maximize benefits while minimizing harm in an integral lifestyle context. Two pillars have been identified which optimize integration: the integral practices executed on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis, and the support system helping process and translate the experience (e.g. coach, therapist, mentor, guide). As non-clinical psychedelic use increases and psychedelic-assisted therapy gains mainstream acceptance, it is critical to maximize integration that an individual has a myriad of integral practices that touch on physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual domains. This integral development process can be better supported by a transpersonal support system, since the psychedelic experience can surface transpersonal content which is often difficult to frame.

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