
Abstract In the implementation of all modern methods of keeping honey bees and caring for them, physiologically sound medical nutrition using adaptogens and biostimulants of various nature is of crucial importance. The object of the study was the clinically healthy families of two honeybee races: Apis mellifera carpatica and Apis mellifera caucasica. Experimental and control groups were formed on the principle of pairs of analogues. Bee colonies in the experimental groups of both races received 60% sugar syrup with Monclavit-1 (12 ml / 1 liter), and in the control groups they received syrup without additives. Studies have shown that the use of the drug Monclavit-1 (water-polymer system based on iodine in the form of poly-N-vinylamide-cyclo-sulfoiodide complex, total iodine content of 0.35 mg / 100 cm3) in the composition of the liquid carbohydrate feed contributed to a better supply of milk larvae in the milk during the spring development (table 1), so the amount of milk in cells with 3 day brood in the І and ІІ experimental groups ranged from 7.21 ± 0.12 to 5.32 ± 0.78 mg against from 4.29 ± 0.84 up to 4.17 ± 0.29 mg in І and І control, and in autumn, respectively, from 17.73 ± 0.57 to 15.97 ± 0.19 pro from 11.06 ± 0.81 to 10.12 ± 0.98. What is associated with the adaptive effect on the body of therapeutic nutrition and the correction of microflora in the digestive system of bees with Monclavit-1.With the introduction of the drug Monklavit-1 into the diet of the honeybee during medical nutrition, there is a pronounced upward adaptation expressed by a prolonged effect on the body, which indicates the promise of research in the indicated direction with the study of a set of morphophysiological and biochemical indicators.

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