
The article presents the results of investigations of individual mineral elements – Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Pb, Cd in the tissues of the honeybees, common lipids and the ratio of their classes in the body of honey bees and the biological value of honey under the conditions of feeding of honey bees by citrate-capped silver and copper nanoparticlescitrates. The research was conducted on the honey bees of the Carpathian race on the basis of the apiary of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv in the summer-autumn period in 5 groups of bee colonies, formed on the principle of analogues, by three bees colony in each group. Control group (I) received a sugar syrup in 1:1 concentration (1000 ml/bee/week). Experimental group (II) additionally added to the syrup Ag in the amount of 0.5 mg/l of sugar syrup, the third experimental group – under similar conditions received Ag in the amount of 1 mg/l, IV group received 0.5 mg of sugar Cu syrup/l and V–Cu in the amount of 1 mg/l of sugar syrup. The trace elements were injected into a sugar syrup in the form of citrates obtained by the nanotechnology method from LLC Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, Kyiv. Research period lasted 28 days at a feeding interval of 7 days. According to the research data, certain intergroup differences in the content of mineral elements in the bee organism have been established: the increase of Fe, Co, Cr content in the background of a probable decrease Zn in the samples of the whole body tissues of the IV and V experimental groups. Pb decrease in the content of the tissues of the body of all experimental groups with a high probability in the IV and V experimental groups (P < 0.02) was observed, as well as a tendency to decrease the level of Cd in the tissues of the whole organism in all experimental groups compared with the control group. According to the results of the conducted studies, the growth of the content of common lipids in the whole of the bees is observed and the probable differences in the fractional distribution of lipids are expressed. In particular, in the tissues of bees of all experimental group, higher levels of phospholipids and triacylglycerols were observed against the background of a decrease in the relative content of monodiacylglycerols, cholesterol. Feeding with sugar honey bees by citrate-capped silver and copper nanoparticles in the summer-autumn period was characterized by certain differences in the content of individual trace elements in honey in all experimental groups, in particular, higher content of Fe, Cu, Co in samples of honey IV and V experimental groups and decrease in the concentration of Cr, Pb, Cd. According to physico-chemical parameters, in honey of experimental groups, there were probably higher differences in the content of amino acids of proline, diastase activity, and a decrease in pH, water. The content of proline in samples of honey III and IV experimental groups was higher on 22.6% and 16.9% (P < 0.05–0.001) compared to control. In samples of honey II–V in experimental groups, diastase activity increased in 1.7–2.2 times (P < 0.01–0.001), while fluctuations of pH of honey by 4.0–5.0% (P < 0.001) were comparatively to control. Thereby, feeding with sugar syrup citrate-capped silver and copper nanoparticles, in doses of 0.5 and 1 mg, caused a certain corrective effect on the content of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, and antagonistic effects on Pb, Cd in tissues and production of honey bees.


  • The article presents the results of investigations of individual mineral elements – Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Pb, Cd in the tissues of the honeybees, common lipids and the ratio of their classes in the body of honey bees and the biological value of honey under the conditions of feeding of honey bees by citrate-capped silver and copper nanoparticlescitrates

  • The research was conducted on the honey bees of the Carpathian race on the basis of the apiary of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv in the summer-autumn period in 5 groups of bee colonies, formed on the principle of analogues, by three bees colony in each group

  • The trace elements were injected into a sugar syrup in the form of citrates obtained by the nanotechnology method from LLC Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, Kyiv

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Feeding with sugar honey bees by citrate-capped silver and copper nanoparticles in the summer-autumn period was characterized by certain differences in the content of individual trace elements in honey in all experimental groups, in particular, higher content of Fe, Cu, Co in samples of honey IV and V experimental groups and decrease in the concentration of Cr, Pb, Cd. According to physico-chemical parameters, in honey of experimental groups, there were probably higher differences in the content of amino acids of proline, diastase activity, and a decrease in pH, water. Згодовування з цукровим сиропом цитратів Аg і Cu у літньо-осінній період характеризувалося певними різницями вмісту окремих мікроелементів у меді в усіх дослідних групах, зокрема, вищий вміст Fe, Cu, Co у зразках меду IV і V дослідних груп та зниження концентрації Cr, Pb, Cd. За фізико-хімічними показниками у меді дослідних груп спостерігали вірогідно вищі різниці вмісту амінокислоти проліну, діaстазної активності та зниження рН, масової частки води. Метою досліджень було дослідити вміст окремих мінеральних елементів і ліпідний склад тканин організму медоносних бджіл та якість їх продукцїі

Матеріал і методи досліджень
Результати та їх обговорення
Групи медоносних бджіл
Групи бджіл
Fe Cu Zn Co Cr Pb Cd
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