
Psalm 97: The Lord is king! Let all the world rejoice. In this article, which was presented as a paper at the congress of South African and Dutch Old Testament Scholars, the author first positions himself methodologically in terms of the South African situation. He then proceeds to use Psalm 97 to illustrate the text-immanent method, the method which he elects to apply. The findings reached are that, although this psalm derives much of its content from the remainder of the Old Testament, it nevertheless forms a coherent whole, and it can be described as an anistic poem in which various techniques of poetry are employed. However, Psalm 97 does not contain a clearly demarcated or even symmetrical strophic division. It is a persuasive text which probably dates from the post-exilic period. Apparently, the main aim of the psalm was to convince the reader/listener that the Lord is in command.


  • Psalm 97: The Lord is king! Let all the world rejoice In this anicle, which was presented as a paper at the congress of South African and Dutch Old Testament Scholars, the author first positions himself methodologically in terms of the South African situation

  • Aan die ander kant oefen 'n teks ook 'n invloed uit op hoe dit gelees behoort te word1. 'n Teks bestaan tog uit woorde, sinne en grammatikale konstruksies. 'n Teks het tog sekere eienskappe (Berlin 1993:145) en daar is iets soos die interne literere konteks van 'n teks, en sekere taalkonvensies en relasies tussen sekere dele van die teks

  • Le Roux (1993) het in sy boek, A story of two ways: Thirty years of Old Testament scholarship in South Africa, aangetoon dat daar veral twee hoofstrome in die Ou-Testamentiese navorsing in Suid-Afrika aangewys kan word, naamlik 'n historiese[-kritiese] stroom en wat 'n mens 'n teksimmanente benadering sou kon noem

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Psalm 97: The Lord is king! Let all the world rejoice In this anicle, which was presented as a paper at the congress of South African and Dutch Old Testament Scholars, the author first positions himself methodologically in terms of the South African situation. Deur die uitdrukking '~~77;' twee keer in 5a15b te gebruik, word die klem nie net op die ontsagwekkende teenwoordigheid van Jahwe gele nie, maar word daar ook 'n band met die voorafgaande gedeelte bewerkstellig (vgl ,,~~?, 3a).

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