
The paper reviews the research on the antitumor activity of propolis components belonging to different, previously (Part 1 and 2), not discussed chemical groups. The in vitro (human and animal cancer cell lines) and in vivo tests performed showed differentiated cytotoxic activity of the tested compounds (IC50 from 2 to > 100.0 g/ml), including weak, moderate or strong (IC50 = 4.0 μg/ml). The strongest cytotoxic activity was shown by prenylated aromatic acids (artepillin C), isoflavones (mucronulatol) and prenylated benzophenones (nemorosan and plukenethione). The studies also showed a reduction in the degree of neoplastic metastases to various organs under the influence of the test substances (83.0%), as well as inhibition of neoplastic cells (90%) compared to control cultures.

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