
Affine terms are lambda terms in which no variable occurs twice, and linear terms are affine terms in which each bound variable occurs exactly once. The principal type of a term is the most general type which is assignable to the term. Hirokawa gave characterisations of the principal types of linear terms and of beta-normal affine terms. Shouji gave a characterisation of the principal types of beta-eta-normal linear terms. The proofs of these three theorems are parallel, but independent to each other. This paper points out that by using Berardi's pruning, the theorem on beta-normal affine terms is obtained from the theorem on linear terms. This is the first result. And also this paper shows a characterisation of principal types of beta-eta-normal affine terms. Its proof is obtained from the theorem on beta-eta-normal linear terms by Berardi's pruning. This is the second result. Besides, this paper gives other proofs of the the theorems on eta-normal terms. This is the third result.

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