
Given an incorrect value produced during a failed program run (e.g., a wrong output value or a value that causes the program to crash), the backward dynamic slice of the value very frequently captures the faulty code responsible for producing the incorrect value. Although the dynamic slice often contains only a small percentage of the statements executed during the failed program run, the dynamic slice can still be large and thus considerable effort may be required by the programmer to locate the faulty code.In this paper we develop a strategy for pruning the dynamic slice to identify a subset of statements in the dynamic slice that are likely responsible for producing the incorrect value. We observe that some of the statements used in computing the incorrect value may also have been involved in computing correct values (e.g., a value produced by a statement in the dynamic slice of the incorrect value may also have been used in computing a correct output value prior to the incorrect value). For each such executed statement in the dynamic slice, using the value profiles of the executed statements, we compute a confidence value ranging from 0 to 1 - a higher confidence value corresponds to greater likelihood that the execution of the statement produced a correct value. Given a failed run involving execution of a single error, we demonstrate that the pruning of a dynamic slice by excluding only the statements with the confidence value of 1 is highly effective in reducing the size of the dynamic slice while retaining the faulty code in the slice. Our experiments show that the number of distinct statements in a pruned dynamic slice are 1.79 to 190.57 times less than the full dynamic slice. Confidence values also prioritize the statements in the dynamic slice according to the likelihood of them being faulty. We show that examining the statements in the order of increasing confidence values is an effective strategy for reducing the effort of fault location.

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