
Companys’ profits is planned through customers’ satisfaction management and four main stages: 1. Recognizing the constitutive components of customer satisfaction and measuring them, 2. Integrating the components and measuring overall customer satisfaction, 3. Reviewing how the impact overall customer satisfaction on the level of performance and company activity, and 4. Identifying variables and the main parameters capable of maneuver on customers’ satisfaction, and the company’s profits planning. This paper has mainly focused on the third stages. The econometric approach is employed to study the case of Logan from Pars Khodro. It should be noted that in modeling the subject, in addition to customer satisfaction, three other variables, i.e. household income, Logan price, and the price of the rival automobile (Peugeot 206) have been considered. Results showed that the variables of customer satisfaction, household income and the price of Peugeot 206 have a direct relationship with sales and thus the company profit, while the Logan's price has an inverse relationship with the company’s profit. The variable of customer satisfaction by after-sales services has the most effect on its profitability. This means that an increase by 1 unit in customer satisfaction, increases the sale by 26.5 units. So Pars Khodro can increase its profits by investment and paying more attention to these factors. The study has been carried out by using EViews and Spss.

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