
This research approach is a case study supported by a survey that collects information on factors related to the research variables, namely the variable service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Based on the above calculations, the number of samples taken at the BRI Bank Office Katamso Unit. With a population (N) of 229 people with an error rate (e) = 10%, the sample size (n) is 59 people. Test the requirements of the analysis, before performing statistical calculations on the dependent variable and the independent variable, the data normality, data linearity and homogeneity of the questionnaire results were first tested. Conducting a series of hypothesis testing used predetermined statistical analysis techniques, namely: multiple regression analysis to see the effect of the service quality variable (X1), the satisfaction variable (X2), on the customer loyalty (Y) of BRI. The F test is used to test the effect of variables X1, X2, simultaneously on variable Y. Based on the research results, the results obtained are 1) Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, this is indicated by looking at the coefficient value of P < 0.05 or P = 0.016; 2) service quality indirectly contributes significantly and positively to customer loyalty; 3) Customer satisfaction, which is the intervening variable, also shows significant and positive results, this is evidenced by looking at the value of the significance coefficient of P <0.05 or P = 0.032. While the results of the R2 value of 31.89% explained that there were still about 60% of the unexplained variables in this study that formed customer loyalty. Improving the company's image is also an important note that needs to be improved to provide added value to customer loyalty at the BRI Bank customers.

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