
The purpose of the article is to analyze protective first names as anthroponymic universal phenomenon. The object of the study is protective first names. The subject of the study is the specificity of the protective first names’ functioning in anthroponomy of different peoples and their universal character. Methods of research are predetermined by the purpose and tasks put in the article. The main ones are observation method, analysis of the scientific literature, method of classification, descriptive, comparative, and historical methods as well as methods of generalization and abstraction. Protective personal names were derived from different common names and assigned to newborns to protect them from death, disease, and the negative influence of evil spirits. They are usually represented in the anthroponomy of different peoples by two main groups: the protective names that ancient people have created on the basis of various animals, birds, fish, and insects’ names and preventive first names derived from words with negative connotation. In order to protect children the Slavs used «unpleasant» first names, first names with direct denial positive signs, first names derived from the names of flora and fauna for disease prevention. The comparative analysis of the protective first names of Slavic and non-Slavic peoples revealed that they have in common names derived from words with a negative meaning, created to scare away or deceive evil spirits, as well as names derived from the names of animals and plants capable of resisting evil forces. The analysis of the protective names of different peoples has shown that it is appropriate to classify them as anthroponymic universal phenomenon, but not absolute, but as a phenomenon that occurs quite frequently. Further research could focus on analyzing the anthroponymic systems of other peoples in the world.

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