
Problem Statement. We believe that a special interest is the protection of the rights of citizensconsumers in domestic service, which is considered one of the most important socially significant sectors, providing a huge variety of services. Moreover, the most acute issues are the protection of the rights of consumers of services in court and the responsibility of the service provider. Purpose and Objectives of the Study. Identify the essential features of the application of consumer protection services in court to determine some features of the responsibility of the service provider under the legislation of the Russian Federation. Research objectives: to analyze some features of protection of the rights of consumers of services in court; to determine the order of responsibility of the service provider in case of violation of the quality of the rendered service; to identify the shortcomings of legal regulation in the protection of the rights of consumers of services in court and on their legal analysis to formulate individual proposals for the reform of the current legislation. Method of Research. We used empirical methods of comparison, description, and interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; historical-legal and comparative-legal methods. Results, Brief Conclusions. It is defined that the protection of consumer rights refers to the activities of the state aimed at regulating public relations that arise between a consumer and a business entity. It is established that in the entire sphere of legal regulation of consumer protection there are certain principles that determine the ways to improve consumer legal norms, taking into account political, economic, ideological and environmental conditions. They help ensure the unity of the application of legal norms in the sphere of consumer services, as well as identify ways to improve the human rights mechanism. It is argued that in ensuring the quality of household services rendered, its performers play a fundamental role. However, the correct actions on the part of the consumer, expressed in its obligation to comply with the rules for using the results of the service provided, also play a role in ensuring their proper quality. In case of rendering of household services of inadequate quality and absence of a positive result of an out-of-court dispute resolution procedure, the consumer»s right to protection is implemented by applying to the court.

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