
The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) described its approach to the protection of the environment and how it should be applied in Publication 124 The report expanded on the Commission's objectives for environmental protection, and how the Derived Consideration Reference Levels (DCRLs) apply within different exposure situations. DCRLs relate radiation effects to doses over and above their normal local background radiation levels, and consider different potential pathways of exposure for animals and plants. This paper will describe how the DCRLs may be used within existing exposure situations to better understand the potential impacts on animals and plants. In these circumstances, the Commission recommends that the aim be to reduce exposures to levels that are within the DCRL bands (or even below, depending upon the potential cost/benefits), but with full consideration of the radiological and non-radiological consequences of doing so. Using examples, this paper will demonstrate how this may be achieved in practice, bearing in mind the potential exposure of humans, animals and plants during and following any remediation attempted.

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