
Minor children need increased protection of their property rights. SK the Russian Federation provides for rules protecting the property rights of children. The development of property relations poses new challenges in the field of protection of property rights of children. Parents are the legal representatives of their children; they have a duty to enforce the property rights of children. Family and civil law enshrines a number of rights and duties of parents towards their children, in which the priority is assigned to the interests of the child. In the established civil law cases, the parents (legal representatives) for the performance of its duties for managing the property must obtain permission of bodies of guardianship and guardianship. These limits for parents are a direct guarantee of the rights of the child. In order to fulfill the international obligations of the Russian Federation to ensure children’s access to justice, contributing to the creation of child-friendly justice should enforce international standards protecting the rights and interests of children. You need to familiarize minors with the rights and duties of a member unit of society-the family. The article notes that such legal knowledge would strengthen the child's position in the property relations with parents. However, simple fastenings of the property rights of children are not enough. It is necessary to provide and guarantee the realization of child rights and their protection.

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