
Globally, governments are well aware of the political and social importance of themedia and are developing policies aimed at regulating and controlling the media.In democratic societies, broadcast regulations generally focus on ensuring thatbroadcasters serve the public interest, needs and convenience. Also, over the past2S years regulations have particularly focused on concerns related to children. Inparticular, there has been a universal concern over the growing amount of sex andviolence in broadcast programming.Throughout the world, a growing number of nations are moving away from directauthoritarian control of media. Instead, they are moving toward combininggovernment influence with free-market forces. For most governments themaintenance of some control includes ensuring the culture is not eroded by the sexand violence-filled products imported from countries like the United States, GreatBritain, Mexico and others. Broadcasters believe attracting large audiencesdepends upon the purchase of quality programming from the increasingly lucrativeinternational software market, even though the programs are filled with violenceand sex.What are regulators doing to combat the growing problems associated with sex andviolence in the media?

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