
Dubrovnik-Neretva County (area 9,272.37 sq km, population 122,870 in 2001) is the southernmost county of the Republic of Croatia and it is territorially divided into 22 units of local government and self-government. Characteristics and specifics of regional planning in Dubrovnik-Neretva County which considerably influenced historical and geographical as well as socio-economic development of the aforementioned area were analyzed on the grounds of field researches and analysis of different sources of physical data and available documents concerning regional planning (all levels of planning were studied). Regional planning in this area dates from the 1272 Statute of Dubrovnik, but Regional Plan of the Southern Adriatic (1964-1968) and General Urban Plan of Dubrovnik from 1969 are considered to be the beginning of the modern period of planning.


  • "... u spomenutom podgrađu imaju se izgraditi kuće uz općinsku ulicu, počevši od istočne strane idući na zapadnu stranu, a svaka kuća neka je široka tri sežnja i isto toliko duga, i neka se između tih kuća smjeste odvodi na prostoru od tri pedlja

  • Regional Plan of a county or the City of Zagreb, respecting the goals of regional planning determined by the Law on Regional Planning and Construction (Narodne novine, 76/07), guidelines and tasks from the Strategy, Program and other documents concerning development and considering specific needs that result from regional characteristics, natural, landscape, historical and cultural values and incorporated conditions of the protection of the environment from strategic evaluation of environmental impact determined according to special regulations, elaborates the Prostorni plan područja posebnih obilježja (PPPPO) uz poštivanje smjernica Strategije i zahtjeva Programa, uzimanjem u obzir prirodnih, krajobraznih i kulturno-povijesnih vrijednosti te uvjeta zaštite okoliša i prirode, razrađuje ciljeve prostornog uređenja na području posebnih obilježja i određuje organizaciju, zaštitu, namjenu i uvjete korištenje prostora

  • Even though spatial and developmental structure of this spatial and functional unit is conditioned by distinct linear distribution of the functions along the coastline with strong urban agglomerations, the problem of Dubrovnik-Neretva County manifests itself in the absence of suitable traffic infrastructure and non-existence of hinterland, causing limited possibilities of the functional spreading in the area

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Ključne riječi: Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija, prostorno planiranje, prostorni plan, prirodno-geografska obilježja, Jadran, Hrvatska, Zakon o prostornom uređenju i gradnji. Characteristics and specifics of regional planning in Dubrovnik-Neretva County which considerably influenced historical and geographical as well as socio-economic development of the aforementioned area were analyzed on the grounds of field researches and analysis of different sources of physical data and available documents concerning regional planning (all levels of planning were studied). I tim načinom i redom neka se kuće nižu sa svojim odvodima i ulicama sve do gradskog zida...". Uvodni odlomak nije preuzet iz urbanističkog plana, nego iz Statuta Grada Dubrovnika, pisanog 1272. godine, a nadopunjavanog u nekoliko

Položaj i prostorni obuhvat
Position and aerial extent
Natural and geographical features
Prometna povezanost
Traffic connections
Demografske značajke
Demographic features
Gospodarske značajke
Economic features
Osnovne značajke prostornog planiranja u Hrvatskoj
Basic features of regional planning in Croatia
Prostorno planiranje na području Dubrovačkoneretvanske županije
Regional planning on the territory of DubrovnikNeretva County
PUP Soderini
Prostorni plana Općine Korčula Regional plan of the Municipality of Korčula
Izmjene i dopune Prostornog plana Općine Dubrovnik za područje Općine Konavle
Local centre
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