
The article is devoted to the analysis of commemorative trends in the social consciousness of the masses and the role of myth-making as one of the tools for constructing the present and future on the example of the fine art of Kazakhstan. The particularity of the situation is that the cultural and historical material of the past is in demand by all layers of the modern postcolonial society of the republic. At the same time, in the background of another transitional moment in history, the establishment of state sovereignty of post-Soviet countries is complicated by the enormous social upheavals of the XXI century. Technological innovations and the general dynamics of the development of the modern world have created opportunities for a variety of manipulations of human consciousness, but its fundamental needs in the search for identity have remained the same. In this connection, the text of the article gives a brief description of the situation that contributed to the development of the modern context of the culture of Kazakhstan. The methodological framework of the research was the fundamental works of scientists, on the issues of historical and collective cultural memory, as well as the study of modern mythology in the culture of the XX-XXI centuries. It is claimed, that the reconstruction of the historical context leads the Kazakh masters to create new mythologies, and the creative thinking of the artist allows him to build the lost, through the prism of human mythological consciousness. The article focuses on the historical genre, also provides examples from the works of artists made by State orders and according to their own author's requests, where the most characteristic features are epic, monumental, and narrative compositions.

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