
Aim. Conducting an analysis of the state of implementation of innovative digital technologies in the agricultural sector and determining the prospects and problems of their development in agriculture. Methods. Methods of scientific knowledge and research of economic phenomena, abstract-logical, monographic, comparative analysis, economic-statistical, systems approach methods, generalization, as well as other methods in the field of economic research are used. Results. The importance of using digital technologies for the innovative development of agriculture and improving the collection of analytical information is shown. Information technologies revolutionized the agro-industrial complex, helping producers of agricultural products to work more accurately, more efficiently and more stably. Conclusions. In agriculture, digital transformation can provide a significant increase in productivity, a reduction in non-production costs, and an increase in the quality of agricultural products. The most common types of mobile applications for agrarian business in Ukraine and the world are analyzed. The key trends in the use of intellectual innovations are precision farming technologies, cloud services for the management of agricultural enterprises, monitoring and accounting systems. Digital technologies make it possible to store large volumes of data, analyze them and propose solutions to tasks based on the results obtained, thereby minimizing costs and maximizing profits of agricultural enterprises. The digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex will lead to a high-tech set of solutions that will make it possible to automate the industry as much as possible to increase the level of competitiveness and productivity, as well as attract investments in agriculture.

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