
This article is devoted to the equipment for gas-dynamic spraying in order to simplify its design, to provide the possibility of adjusting the parameters (temperature, pressure, speed, ejection) of the air-polymer flow, and to clarify the fundamental possibility of creating polymer functional coatings with gas-dynamic spraying. The polymeric materials, depending on their brand, are completely inert and do not react in any chemical reaction with food, animal waste products, acids and other corrosive media. It is known that polymeric materials can be attributed to the two main classes of reactants and thermoplastics. If the thermoplastic process of heating and cooling can occur repeatedly without changing their structure, then reactive plastics with a single heating with increasing time of elevated temperatures as a result of chemical processes occurring in them, transform into an insoluble solid state with the formation of a mesh structure of macromolecules. This process is irreversible, the products of the reactoplasts are destroyed by reheating at a sufficiently high temperature without first softening and thus cannot be recommended for their use in order to create polymer coatings by gas-dynamic sputtering. The characteristics of the most common thermoplastics, such as polypropylene, polyethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyamides, are analyzed, and the conditions to be created for the successful application of functional polymer coatings. Experimental application of polymer coatings of the most common polymers. The results obtained indicate that the designed and manufactured prototype gasdynamic spraying device is capable of creating different modes of polymer coating. That is to change and maintain the required temperature and pressure of compressed air. The results of the researches show a fundamental possibility to create polymer coatings from thermoplastics on metal surfaces by gas-dynamic spraying.

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