
The article discusses the prospects for industrial development in the Siberian region and the Irkutsk region, in particular, and assesses the need to build new cities for the development of such industry. The research is based on a brief analysis of the development of the industrial sector in this region, as well as a more complete analysis of the idea of creating new techno-cities and clusters in Siberia. Relevance. The trend of economic growth allows us to emphasize the importance of ensuring the sustainable development of industry in the Russian Federation. Stable existence in such conditions is ensured by the mechanism of sustainable modernization. He is able to direct the activities of the organization taking into account all the features of the economic and financial system, as well as to ensure a long-term crisis-free existence. The novelty of the study. The creation of techno-cities and the full industrialization of this region occupies a small share in modern research. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the sustainable development of industry in the Irkutsk region by the example of the implementation of the idea of creating techno-cities in Siberia. Materials and methods of research. The methodological basis of this research is: methods of deduction and induction, methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis. Results and conclusions. The conducted research shows that the creation of new industrial clusters and techno-cities on the territory of the Siberian region is a difficult task and has a huge number of nuances.

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