
The article presents the results of long-term studies within the limits of closed mining enterprises impact in Priamurye and Primorye of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD), where the lands from the forest land fund have been withdrawn earlier for mineral development. As a result, tailing dumps containing highly sulfidized waste have a negative impact on ecosystems. The urgency of the topic is undoubted. In this regard, the aim of the study was to create technology for the forests reproduction on technologically contaminated and disturbed land using innovative achievements (bioremediation) to ensure their environmental and social security. Natural and mining systems formed by the activities of the closed mining enterprises of the Priamurye and Primorye regions were the object of the problem under study, they located in the basin of the Amur River of large biosphere value (Solnechny GOK (Mining and Processing Works), Khrustalnensky GOK. The necessity of effective solution of the mentioned problem was substantiated. It has been established that the level of technogenic pollution of environment objects exceeds in dozens and even hundreds of times the regional background indicators and MPC. A reclamation method was created using the potential of biological systems. The novelty of the proposed methods is confirmed by Pavtent.

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