The information on history of in-situ metal leaching method (ISL) was given. The role of Russian scientists and research organizations in research into ISL processes was shown. Examples of ISL application at the mines of the USSR, the CIS and non-CIS countries with the implementation features were given. The main disadvantages of ISL were formulated: low rate of metal production and difficulty in monitoring the completeness of metal recovery into pregnant solution. It was noted that underground leaching of even well-crushed ores lasts for many years. This, under otherwise equal conditions, decreases attractiveness of ISL in comparison with traditional methods of metal mining. Well-known and new promising methods of the leaching process intensification for increasing the rate of metal extraction into solution were described. As illustrated by the North Caucasian deposits of the Sadon group, the expediency of ISL use for extracting the residual reserves, which would not be extracted by the traditional methods, was shown. The role of Professor I. A. Ostroushko in development and implementation of methods for extracting metals remained in the mined-out space of mines, in particular, by extracting metals from the Sadon deposits wastewater. Information on the current state of ISL application was given. The conclusion was made about insufficient use of this promising method in mining in some regions. For the first time, the details of the ISL general concept were clarified: the feasibility of ISL use not only in favorable conditions, but also at non-continuous geology and mineralization; ISL applicability for not only substandard ores (non-extractable by traditional mining methods), but also for balance reserves; ISL (block leaching) was proposed as an alternative to traditional mining methods in specific conditions, for example, at the North Caucasian complex ore deposits.
2020;5(4):358-366 intergranular bonds but insufficient for rupture of individual grains
The problem of restoring the lost mining potential is of particular relevance for North Ossetia-Alania
Commercial mineralization of the East Dzhimidon ore zone was characterized in relation to the technological features
Аннотация: Проблема восстановления утраченного горнопромышленного потенциала для РСО-Алания имеет особую актуальность. Впервые при решении проблемы функционирования Садонского свинцово-цинкового комбината в связи с истощением запасов и ухудшением качества извлекаемых полиметаллических руд исследована возможность эксплуатации целого месторождения шахтным подземным выщелачиванием металлов. Дана комплексная оценка соответствия свойств руд и параметров их локализации требованиям, предъявляемым технологическим регламентом подземного шахтного выщелачивания. Сделана ревизия запасов свинца и цинка Джимидонского рудного поля с учетом увеличения доступных для переработки запасов при понижении кондиции на металлы. Впервые показан механизм расширения минерально-сырьевой базы за счет снижения требований к кондициям на руды при конверсии традиционных технологий подземной разработки месторождений на технологии шахтного подземного выщелачивания. Показана приоритетность обеспечения качества дробления руд для выщелачивания путем оптимизации энергетических показателей взрыва. Эффективность технологий выщелачивания будет определяться c учетом геологических параметров месторождений и обеспечения крупности выщелачиваемого рудного куска.
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