
Electricity-based mobility (EBM) refers to vehicles that use electricity as their primary energy source either directly such as Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or indirectly such as hydrogen (H2) driven Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) or Synthetic Natural Gas Vehicles (SNG-V). If low-carbon electricity is used, EBM has the potential to be more sustainable than conventional fossil-fuel based vehicles. While BEV feature the highest tank-to-wheel efficiency, electricity can only be stored for short durations in the energy system (e.g. via pumped-hydro storage or batteries), whereas H2-FCEV and SNG-V have a lower tank-to-wheel efficiency due to additional conversion losses, H2 and SNG can be stored longer in pressurized tanks or the natural gas grid. Thus, they feature more flexibility with regard to exploiting renewable electricity via seasonal storage. In this study, we examine whether and under what circumstances this additional flexibility of H2 and SNG can be used to offset additional losses in the powertrain and conversion with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation of EBM from a life-cycle point of view in a Swiss scenario setting. To this end, a supply chain model for EBM fuels is established in the context of an evolving Swiss and European electricity system along with an approach to estimate the penetration of EBM in a legislation compliant future passenger cars fleet. We show that EBM results in significantly lower life-cycle GHG emissions than a corresponding fossil fuels driven fleet. BEV generally entail the lowest GHG emissions if flexibility options can be offered through sector coupling, short-term and seasonal energy storage or demand side management. Otherwise, in particular with a large expansion of photovoltaics (PV) and curtailment of excess electricity, H2-FCEV and SNG-V feature equal or – in case of high-carbon electricity imports – even lower GHG emissions than BEV.


  • “Curtailment”: If there is substantial curtailment of excess elec­ tricity, H2-Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and - with even more PV - Synthetic Natural Gas Vehicles (SNG-V) become or more greenhouse gas (GHG)-efficient than Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). This is in particular the case when considering high-carbon CCGT imports, where already in the 32 TWh PV case, scenarios with H2-FCEV and SNG-V are slightly more GHGefficient than BEV

  • The impacts of electricity-based mobility (EBM) pow­ ertrains are investigated with respect to systemic life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to a corresponding reference “non-EBM” (60% gasoline and 40% diesel) passenger cars fleet in Switzerland

  • Systemic GHG emissions have been investigated with a supply chain model of EBM fuels within several scenarios regarding different do­ mestic PV expansions, GHG intensities of imported electricity and the utilization of “excess” electricity

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Three promising EBM technologies are Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), hydrogen (H2) driven Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (H2FCEV) and Synthetic Natural Gas Vehicles (SNG-V) All of these tech­ nologies use electricity directly or indirectly as their fuel: While BEV directly operate on electricity from the grid, H2-FCEV and SNG-V indi­ rectly use electricity as stored H2 and SNG previously produced by electrolysis (ELYSE) and - in case of SNG - via a subsequent methanation (METH). Both BEV and H2-FCEV feature an electric motor, which is fed with electricity from an on-board battery or fuel cell system, respec­ tively, while SNG-V operate as conventional ICEV

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